The Pretty, The Intellegent, The Almighty...

A slacker's diary. A pretty, intelligent, almighty slacker's diary!

Monday, June 09, 2008

New Hairstyle!

ok.. Not so new anymore... Haha.. My hair is nothing like that now, not so styled already. But still...

Apparently, not that many people perm hair. Before this picture was took, i have 3 men and 1 lady standing behind me, trying to figure out how to use the machine... Can imagine my horror?

So, i sat there, like an alien attached to a weird machine. No choice.. For the sake of a new image...

After the perm, the assistant apply some lotions to my hair. To prevent the lotion from dripping onto me, she put this U shaped container on my shoulder. Another alien showtime session... Alien with lotion dripping from head...
Ta-dah!! My new look! Alas! 4+ hours of Wash + Cut + Perm + Wash + Further Cut + Blowing.... Can imagine the wait???
Side view...
Back view...

Disclaimer: The curls don look like this anymore. But money well spent. I like my wavy hair now. muahaha...


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