The Pretty, The Intellegent, The Almighty...

A slacker's diary. A pretty, intelligent, almighty slacker's diary!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Just finished drooling, opps! i meant watching Romantic Princess (公主小妹). Haha... I like this kind of storyline, light-hearted, romance + comedy. Of coz + good looking cast. I never really bother about pop taiwanese bands. So when HC found out that i'm watching Romantic Princess, she was like "What? You actually watch taiwan drama?"

Haha... No choice leh.. Wu Zun too shuai already. And Angela Zhang also very cute in the show. So happily watching lor.. The show is not very long, so ok lah.. Managed to finish it within 4 days...

So basically, i laughed throughout the whole show (just like when i watch 宮) And almost drool over Wu Zun throughout the whole show.. eh... I think that time i also drool over Prince Xin in 宮. But they cute mah.. I like guys with black hair + boyish look + clean look.. muahaha.... *saliva overflow liao... ok. gonna control...

I asked ZJ : "Wu Zun so shuai!!! Figure good and rich. You got rival liao.. Are you worried?"

He answered : "Wait till he set his eyes on you lor."


Who knows? Wait later Wu Zun come after me leh? muahaha....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

To answer to everyone's curiosity on how we spent our V day, here we go...

First, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to my office, lily of coz (my fav). Personal delivery also.. hee... Then dinner @ park outside Esplanade. It was meant to be a romantic dinner by the sea, under the stars kind... But the atmosphere was spoilt by the Hua Yi Festival performance nearby, where we're trying hard to tahan the super out of tune singing of S-pop singers. (!@#$%)

ok. back to the dinner part. I bought this heart shaped mango mousse cake from Four Leaves.. Cute? Very nice also wor...

Followed by Soup Spoon, Tangy Tomato Soup... Yummy.... (he buy one)
Desserts! Hee...Hee... Mrs Field's heart shaped cookie. The icing really dont taste good, so we ended up scrap off the icing and eat the cookie only. Even so, the cookie also doesnt taste fresh. Their normal cookies are so much better... But V day mah, who cares what you're eating? Look nice can liao.. muahaha... (he buy one)
The touching part comes in, the usual un-romantic/un-mushy zj prepared some little hearts. We each have 4 pieces and are supposed to write something for each other on the paper. Hee... sweet huh? Coz normally he dont like those mushy stuff... But this time different wor... We wrote already, I brought the hearts home, need to paste them on the big, white heart and further decorate it.Being a typical singaporean, we go for somemore food. Ice-cream @ Ben's & Jerry (my fav ice cream!!). Chit chat, see other couples, gossip, blah blah...

7 yrs of relationship, 8th Valentine's Day spent together.. Hee... not easy huh? Guess it really takes effort to maintain a relationship marathon and i'm glad he's not afraid to. (i made effort also k? didnt say nia...)

Thats the end of our little V day celebration. I'm a happy girl now... No need to slp tonight liao... Look at my flowers happy liao...

**jumping around the house...**

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Rat Year

1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 生肖屬鼠的朋友,在鼠年是太歲當頭坐,是為"犯太歲",煩惱及困難隨之不絕,所遇到的問題是難以估計及難以掌握的,即使成功也是勞多獲少,不宜燃點過多火頭,貴精不貴多,成功的機會較大。

1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 牛為「丑」,與鼠年的地支「子」合化,所以生肖屬牛的朋友,在鼠年的貴人特多,事業有所突破,且有較大的發展空間,到處充滿生氣。

1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 生肖屬虎的朋友,在鼠年易被小人乘勢而入,往往陷入進退維谷的局面,難以自拔。其實,只要打開心扉,表明心態,事事與人商量,處處稍留餘地,便可解除桎梏,海闊天空。

1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 生肖屬兔的朋友,在鼠年為"犯太歲"的一族,會無風起浪,導演半途而廢,錯過了不少良機,金錢上亦有所損失。「紅鸞」星的加臨,使桃花片片,宜小心處理。

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 生肖屬龍為「辰」與鼠年的地支「子」為三合,人事上有所幫助事業可順利發展。凡事加點細心,尤以文書合約,便可逃離是非之地。

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 生肖屬蛇的朋友,在鼠年運程可以好轉,在飲食及娛樂業,可發揮其才能;投資及金融的從業員,亦有所得。在桃花之地,易把持不定,導致難以自拔,到時便恨錯難返。

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 馬為「午」與鼠年的地支「子」為破,正正沖犯了當年太歲,困難、障礙在所難免,應付因小人當道而帶來的是非紛爭需更為謹慎,凡事量力而為,便可減少阻滯。沖太歲,是直犯代表祖上的年柱,所以家中如有年老長輩,則要加倍留意其身體狀況,切忌掉以輕心。

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 羊為「未」與鼠年的地支「子」為害,亦是犯太歲的一族,因而容易面臨困難阻滯,還幸,有「紫微」及「天鉞」等貴人星的加臨,只要敢於面對,積極參與及付出努力,便能得到外來的助力,將死結打開,解決困難。因有煞星加臨,所以繁忙歸繁忙,也要留意自己的健康情況,正所謂「病向淺中醫」,否則病倒了,甚麼事情也因心有餘而力不足,難以成功。

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 猴為「申」與鼠年的地支「子」為三合,有貴人到來幫助,運程得以暢順。可惜,命宮同時有「白虎」、「指背」及「飛廉」等多顆是非星及災星加臨,往往在事情發展順利的時候,便會出現難以估計的阻滯,及遭小人暗算,製造是非紛爭,所以是吉中藏凶,運程反覆的一年,切忌掉以輕心。還幸,生肖屬猴的朋友,一般的頭腦會較為靈活,若預先得知有危機的存在,提高警覺,凡事審慎處理,便可減少麻煩,順利過渡。

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 雞為「酉」與鼠年的地支「子」為破,是為犯太歲的一種,運程較為反覆,凡事也會好事多磨,阻礙重重,小心易有不正常的桃花。

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 生肖屬狗的朋友,在鼠年只要從心裡將「孤獨」這個心魔趕走,權衡自己的力量,重新部署,可以實行的盡快處理,受到阻礙的便順勢而行,甚或緩緩而行,避重就輕,便可安然渡過。

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 生肖屬豬的朋友,在鼠年工作上會較為忙碌,導致身心疲累,所獲的回報不會太多。雖然財運的得益不多,還幸有增加名聲及升職的機會,總算有些回報對身體多加留意,否則病倒了,便難以應付繁重的工作。