The Pretty, The Intellegent, The Almighty...

A slacker's diary. A pretty, intelligent, almighty slacker's diary!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Family Members!

On Sat, 22 Sept, i brought home 2 new family members.. Two small, little lifes brought into my family with so much joy and anticipation. Zj accompanied my throughout and we're so thrilled about it! Sis kept messaging me and ask me how are things. Mum is at home waiting for their coming.

It is a sudden and hasty decision but we all know i'm long ready for it. Though Zj is a bit hestitant at first, but he soon gave in after knowing how much they meant to me. And finally, we're all mentally prepared for them. Zj and I stepped into the Pet Shop.

Pet shop? Yes, you didnt hear me wrong. It's Pet shop. Where else you buy your hamsters?

We bought 2 hamsters from different pet shop. Who cares about how fast a hamster can breed? I want to breed them! So it's a conscious decision to buy from 2 different pet shop so that chances of inbreeding is lower. (btw, inbreeding = breeding between siblings/child-and-parent aka incest). Inbreeding is very much discourage as it normally cause serious health problem to the new babies and ultimately, shorten their already-very-short lifespan.

The first hamster i bought was a 2 months+ male. We name him 乐乐! Then Zj and I went to another pet shop, wanting to buy a female hamster. But the shop keeper say their hamsters are too young to differentiate their gender. So i leave it fate and chose my ham ham. If it's a female, i'll breed them, if not, just too bad.

妮妮 was bought home then. Eh... Even though not sure, but after much gender examination by myself, Sis and Bro, we concluded that 妮妮 is a female. We're still afraid that the two of them will fight initially as ham ham normally dont get along well with 'strangers'. But surprisingly, 乐乐 and 妮妮 got along very well, even on first encounter! No fights at all! They played with each other, sniff through each other and sand bathe together.

I'm still not able to take clear photos of 妮妮 and 乐乐 as they're too fast for my camera. So i downloaded some pics of Pearl White Hamster (their species) and post it up for all to see... This is how they look like. Pure white fur with a black dorsal line on their back. Cute right??

Monday, September 24, 2007

Doreamon Magnets

Thanks YC for the Doraemon Magnet. Hee.. I'm surrounded by nice colleagues, showering me with little gifts now and then... Ohh... So sweet!! Love you all!!

Soft Toy Making

We all got hooked into making 2-D soft toys recently. Check them out!
This is Elphi, WL havent stick Elphi's cheek blusher onto him.
This is my first product. Not very successful. Sotong...
Panda in the middle, looking as sleepy as always...
Cro cro, my kind and harmless crocodile. His scales are movable! (Becoz i havent stick them...)Moo Moo~~
Foxy. She's a hot favourite! Somehow, she got this natural attraction to draw people's attention and heart...
Lao Shu siblings, without their whiskers yet. eh.. From the same template, dont know the 2 mousy's size can vary so much...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Doraemon from KFC

Look at these!! New toys from KFC, Malaysia! WL bought them for me from Malaysia! All of them can 'run' after winding. Muahaha.. Thanks WL!! Smuak!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Does It Pay to Be Jealous?

I was reading this article on Cosmopolitan (US issue) and find it quite interesting.. Quoted from the mag:

"Jealousy can be dangerous in large doses, but a small amount can ignite passion in a relationship and make partners feel wanted amd valued," says Denver psychologist Jennifer Oikle, PhD. Simply put, getting a little worked up when some chick hits on your man says you care. Not only that, but calling your guy out on a borderline-inappropiate remark ("A female trainer at my gym has a crush on me") lets him know that you're on high alert and philandering isn't gonna fly. Certain guys will cheat no matter what you do, but others will act only after convincing themselves that you no longer give a damn. Acting too nonchalantly may be all justification some dudes need.
The tricky part is voicing your concern without sounding like a raging bitch. "If you're not the type to overreact and something's not sitting right with you, calmly confront him," suggests Bob Berkowitz, PhD, author of What Men Won't Tell You but Women Need to Know. Without jumping down his throat, tell him his comment or behaviour unnerved you, and ask if he's attracted to the woman in question. Even if the answer is yes, all is not lost. Opening up a dialouge can save a relationship before the damage is irreversible.