Hennah Painting Curse
Warning!! Pls only try Hennah Painting of you satisfy the followings:
1) Have absolute confidence in the painter
2) Totally sure of the design you wish to paint
3) Die die will never regret the painting
I learnt it the hard way!! Hennah Painting is irreversible!! Well.. At least for 1 week, it's irreversible. Below are the list of things i'd tried in my attempt to remove the ugly hennah painting on my hand:
1) Make up remover
2) Nail polish remover
3) Body soap
4) Body scrub
5) Hot water
6) Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide
7) Toothbrush and tooth paste
8) and ultimately... Ti-na (or tee-nah, aiya! who cares the spelling)
In case you're wondering if my hand is still intact and ok, yes, my hand is very fine, so as the hennah painting. damn! I'm one step away from using bleach... Hmm...