It's been a month since i last blogged. Opps.. Had been lazy throughout the month! Quite a few things had happened. First is house painting, Dad say our house really need a good panting le. So our house went through massive painting, whole house painted. Windows, ceilings, every piece of wall (except storeroom). Can imagine how messy my house is after paintng? Haha.. Like moving house like that, we packed everything then unpack everything again after painting.
Luckily don need me to paint, my dad got a painter to paint the house. Else, take 1 week leave also cannot finish painting... Haha.. We throw away a lot of stuff, kind of like spring clean. Then went Ikea, bought some furniture. Now still in the midst of converting my 2nd living room to study room.
Then my boss, Chee Bee left NLB. Went to eat a farewell lunch at Ding Tai Fung Raffles City. Haha... 14 people lor.. We tried a lot of food there, coz share share mah. So now i know Ding Tai Fung's menu well le... Can part-time waitress there already.. Haha... I intend to upload Chee Bee's last day photo but stupid blogspot don allow me!!! Donnoe how many times i'd tried and tried to upload and still failed. Damn... Don like me izzit? I switch to multiply lah! ok. don bother about me.. Let's continue..
Show you WeiLin's latest handicraft piece... 
Cute? Made out of crystals and beads.... Want to see the size of it?
It's merely 1 inch (2.5cm) big! Haha.. Cute huh? You can put it as a bag accessories, hp chain or whatever... If you think she only got one design.. You are wrong!! Look at this!!

I'll find one day to learn how to make this.. Someday...
Then on 31 Jan, i went o Changi Airport to send Hong Kiat off. I told zengjia that i'll miss Hong Kiat then stupid zengjia say 'You'll miss hong kiat as a friend or as a mahjong khaki?' Damn it.. How can he like that say? Hong Kiat, you must believe me k? Though i miss you as a mahjong khaki but i also miss you as a friend k? *cross my finger...

Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year is coming... Beng asked me for V day ideas, well, the truth is, i got none. Dont think i'm into celebratng V day (well, i'm never such a peron anyway), since zengjia will be busy with school, test and all, better don celebrate V day.
I cant stand the weather recently. Freaking cold. If all the cold wind can be used to generate electricity, i bet we can all save a lot of money. It's so cold and strong! This global warming effect is really gettng into our lives.. Did you read the newspapers? Islands ar disappearing, millions of lives are being affected or endangered. According to news, 1/4 of the world's Carbon Dioxide was produced by U.S. The U.S. president admitted that but say that they wont stop it coz stopping it will cost them to lose donnoe-how-many millions. When i heard this news, i'm so so furious. There are people out losing their homes/livelihood due to the effect of global warming and all you care is the money you're going to lose? xyz!@#$$